A Colorful Halloween House Tour

It is almost Halloween! We are in my favorite month of the year…..October. Beautiful October. I have always had a lot of fun with our kiddos preparing for Halloween festivities around here. Now they are BIG and don’t really dress up to trick-or-treat anymore. Oh well, I can still decorate!! You will get a peek at that later. Today, I am actually sharing my sister’s gorgeous home with you. I promised I would, and it is AWESOME at Halloween. She loves to decorate with COLOR….oranges and greens and teal blue….for every season….and it works!!ย  As soon as you step up to her home, you know that fun people live inside. ๐Ÿ™‚ I love her little family so much. Check this out! She even made three beautiful babies with fantastic red hair. How is that for color?!? The good Lord knew what He was doing.

Luedke family

Baylie, Beckie, Nate, Briggs and Breck

Her Front Porch


front door skeleton

This little guy has had many adventures!! He is happy to welcome guests into this fun home.

front porch

Nate’s dad always supplies them with lots of pumpkins and gourds that he grew at his home!

teal front door

Isn’t her teal door fantastic?

Front porch swing

I wish I could have caught all of this at night when it was lit up.

Come on in!

Cash says, “Hello!” Look! His eyes are even two different colors.

Harvest table decor

This fabulous antique harvest table is changed out for every season.

Halloween decor

Love the orange glow.

Glittered pumpkins

Beckie adds just a teeny bit of sparkle in her decor.

Entertainment center decor

My sis uses a mix of new and antique pieces in her home. Check out the amazing starburst that must have come from an old sign. It fits perfectly at the top of their entertainment center.


Bentley is keeping an eye out for visitors. Don’t miss the framed baby pictures in the corner. They are the three kiddos held in the exact same position in their daddy’s hand when they were born. You almost can’t tell which is which!! I should have taken a closer shot.

sweater pumpkin

Grandma Betty (GB) made the happy little sweater pumpkin. Look at all of the smiling faces!

Vintage clocks

Baylie is an October baby. I still remember the day we did a little photo shoot for her first Halloween. These three vintage clocks are stopped and set with the time that each of the redheads was born. How fun is that?!?

Orange chairs

This is where I usually find myself plopped down right by the kitchen. ๐Ÿ™‚

chevron wall

This stunning wall came with the house! It was just waiting for Beckie and her family.


laundry room shelf

Who wouldn’t want to come home to these happy words?

Candy buckets

May as well decorate with your pumpkin buckets while they are waiting for candy. ๐Ÿ™‚

light-up jack-o-lantern

Friendly jack-o-lanterns show up in lots of places. This one is on her kitchen counter.

Pumpkin on a cake plate

Cake plates are perfect for pumpkins!

Come back soon!!!

Spider fun

How about adding some spooky spiders to your doorway for guests to see as they head out? Extra fun for the kiddos!

Do you feel inspired to add a splash of color and fun to your home? How could you not be in a good mood after visiting here?

Be sure to check out my past post about my momma’s house here. I will be showing you around mine soon, so also be sure to subscribe to my email list to get that post delivered right to your inbox.

Happy Halloween decorating! God bless.


Turn Your Skinnies Into Something Groovy With This Simple Costume Hack


Fun With Outdoor Fall Decorating


  1. Beckie Luedke

    Thanks sis! It sounds great (full of love) & the pictures are amazing! Love ya!

    BTW ~ The pumpkin trick or treats buckets are from we were little girls. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Karen Carlson

      Thank you. Love you, too, sis! I had so much fun taking pics of your beautiful home.

      P.S. I have my bucket, too. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Nancy Williams

    Oh Beckie! What a charming home youโ€™ve created! So much creativity and fun went into the design. The clocks set to your kiddos times of birth is the best! You, Karen and GB are indeed related!

    • Karen Carlson

      You have always been a decorating inspiration to us, Nancy!! Thanks for your sweet words. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. GB

    My girls make me so happy and proud!!
    Fun how Karen has captured our favorite season! I always leave Beckieโ€™s place smiling.

    I love fall so much I do three phases of decor. It just makes my heart happy even though 90% of the time itโ€™s just old Papa and me hanging around!

    You saw phase one, fall. Now Iโ€™ve added some Halloween and turned the pumpkins around to show their jack-o-lantern faces and added black cats and vintage paper goods. Then one final switch to add my Thanksgiving treasures including my old McCoy turkey platter!

    Youโ€™re going to love Karenโ€™s unique warm and lush way of welcoming autumn!! Be sure to subscribe so you donโ€™t miss a trick! (Or treat!!)

    I guess celebrating each season for me is a hobby, not work. How about you?

    • Karen Carlson

      You always made each season special at home.
      Thanks for all of your support, momma! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Cindy Kuhl

    Beautiful! I love how your personality comes out in your decorating. I think I will come over for a cup of hot cider!

  5. Alicia Reifenrath

    Absolutely beautiful! What a warm, festive home! And a great article! All around, simply wonderful!

    • Karen Carlson

      You are so sweet! Thank you! She does have a beautiful home. ๐Ÿ™‚

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